IZA, a nova rainha do pop brasileiro
Não é de hoje que a música pop conquista vários corações. Com suas letras chicletes e com um ritmo que não nos deixa ficar parados, esse gênero musical é um dos favoritos nas playlists de muita gente e vem conquistando cada vez mais espaço na cena musical brasileira. Nomes grandes da músi
Uma menina se tornando uma grande atriz e, principalmente, uma grande mulher
Uma menina com vontade de ser atriz, de estar nos palcos trazendo entretenimento para o público no teatro, de fazer os telespectadores se emocionarem e abraçarem seu personagem na tv, e de poder trazer alegria e deixar as pessoas apaixonadas nas telonas do cinema. Essa é Giovanna Grigio. Uma garo
#RedNoseDay Victoria Beckham Designs A Limited Edition Spice Girls T-Shirt
Red Nose Day was founded on a very simple concept: eradicating poverty for children all over the world. Through the years, various celebrities have shown their support for this noble cause by donning a red nose and posting it on their social media accounts to indicate their solidarity. But Spice Gir
Gustavo Rocha fala sobre grande passo em sua carreira, encontro com Lele Pons e mais em matéria para capa da Contrast Brasil
Gustavo Rocha é uma estrela da internet que começou através do Vine (aplicativo de vídeos em formatos curtos) e fez sucesso ao se juntar com o seu irmão gêmeo, Túlio Rocha, e postar vídeos dançando. Após conquistarem um grande número de fãs, eles migraram para o YouTube com o canal “Ir
Wissam Hilal Talks New Album, Making a Better Life For His Family and More in His Contrast Magazine Cover Story
Wissam Hilal, aka WISSAM, is an upcoming international Syrian pop singer-songwriter. He was born in Sweida City, Syria in 1989 and was the eldest of two boys. His artistic talents became evident in childhood and he was encouraged by his supportive family to pursue his passion for music, which led hi
Blameitonkway Teams Up With Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty Campaign
Social media sensation Blameitonkway lends his ever popular, funny and charismatic character “TiTi” to Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty campaign. https://www.instagram.com/p/BgeRlDYlbJ8/ The super fun and vibrant commercial begins with the tagline “My Fenty, My Mood” which captur
Jake Miller Speaks on New Album and How He Overcame One Of the Biggest Transitions in His Life
Archived from our July 2017 issue. Jake Miller is taking the pop music world by storm. Jake is not only a pop artist, but he has a special twist (rapping) to his craft. Singer, songwriter, and American pop rapper are just a few of the many things on his resume. November 2013, Jake released [&
Mya: A Force To Be Reckoned With
The phrase “a force to be reckoned with” is one that journalists and writers like to throw around carelessly to give a sense of meaning to someone or something that they struggle to describe in other terms. The term is over-used, over written, and, in my opinion, has lost it’s once impressive